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Are we ready to accept a new kind of art made by machines? The book includes several texts, written from 2002 to 2014, describing the theoretical background of the author’s artistic endeavor to produce art made by machines and robots.
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With simple rules and emergent behavior
machines can generate original paintings,
drawings and sculptures.
The process is symbiotic in nature.
Humans and machines cooperate to produce
a new kind of art and expand, once
again, the boundaries of artistic concepts
and practices.
400 pages fully illustrated with more than 350 reproductions,
texts and two manifestos.
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The book reproduces most of the photographic series made between 1973 and 1978 that escaped my wanderings around several countries, a divorce and a revolution. It is a sort of a catalogue raisonné. Although relatively small in quantity this body of work is significant given the moment when it was made. The first series, done in Holland (before 74), reflect the concept of critique of everyday life, while some of the series made in Portugal after the revolution are quite political. Anyway, they are all within the same frame of reference and theoretical influence of the Situationist International. Most of these works has never been shown.
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Written in 2003, with Henrique Garcia Pereira, is the first book to describe my Art Robots process.
Sold off. A facsimile version at Amazon.